Friday 18 November 2016

ALBUM PREMIERE: Pennsylvanian sludge/thrash luciferians Buzzherd unleash their "Siege Machine"

Let’s all take a moment to appreciate and attempt to explain Buzzherd (sludge/thrash metal).  This is a band whose members run the gamut from ex-cons to prep school boyz; a band that never let congenital diseases or Rocky Dennis syndrome stand in their way from becoming the future Tony winners that they are today. 

Buzzherd’sorigins lie in south eastern Pennsylvania, where the band took its first tentative steps towards true Krishna consciousness, now buried in time and dust.  Over the course of a multitude of shows, the band transformed from a powerful yet colicky baby to a full-fledged “terrible twos” toddler of mayhem and destruction.  Hearing their crushing odes to paranoia, dysentery, and Colt .45, it’s no wonder that the people who’ve experienced Buzzherd have come away seriously shaken by their brush with the teeth of a metaphorical Lucifuge. 

 And what of the individuals that make up Buzzherd?  All bring to the table their own unique skill and persona: Terry Payne, the golden yet nicely corroded throat of rage with a touch of childlike delight/hatred; Justin Dottor, bassist-architect of Crover-inspired metal fantasies and weird riff enthusiast;  Bryan Ferencz, whose vengeful stringed brutality has transformed crowds into legions ready to set your grandmother’s couch on fire, and Brad Jones, who combines a fearsome peach-flavored drumming intensity with a playfulness rarely seen outside of the monkey house.

In summation, Buzzherdwill slice you apart, build you back up, and reassemble your mind in a way you never dreamed possible.  The songs are pretty good too and you can check out their brand new album in full with the exclusive stream of “Siege Machine” below. The record was recorded/mastered by Steve Austin of Today Is the Day(N.B. Jason West is on the album but left the band after the recording).

Band info: bandcamp || facebook


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