Thursday 13 September 2018

ALBUM PREMIERE: Hessian take cues from the old guard of classic rock and deliver "Mercenary Retrograde"

On September 14th 2018, HESSIAN will release their new album “Mercenary Retrograde”.

It took five years for Hessian to get their Bachelor of Black Arts, now it’s time to accept their Master’s diploma. The Portland, Maine-based heavy metal band garnered a substantial amount of recognition for their EP and debut album - including a coveted spot as Fenriz’s Band of the Week.

Mastermind Angus McFarland oversaw every stage, from sitting at the kitchen counter studying heavy metal harmonies of “the Old Ones of heavy metal” to touring nationally and playing festivals in Sweden and the UK. After a complete upheaval in line-up, Hessian are now ready with their second album “Mercenary Retrograde”.

“The title of the album reflects the history of the band at the time of writing. Mercenary because the band consisted of hired guns, and Retrograde because we are always looking back to the Old Ones of heavy metal for inspiration.”

While Thin Lizzy are held in exceptionally high regard around Camp Hessian, there’s appreciation for any of the old guard in early metal and heavy rock - even some thrashier material as well
Hessian have been through the wringer, but perseverance and a wholehearted belief in heavy metal have allowed them to prevail. “Mercenary Retrograde” is a triumphant record that looks proudly at the past and future simultaneously. You can check out the album in full below and preorders are available HERE

Band info: facebook|| bandcamp


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