Saturday 19 November 2016

ALBUM REVIEW: The Dead At Sea - "The Dead At Sea"

By: Charlie Butler

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 01/11/2016
Label: Independent

A potent blend of early-Pelican crunch and Kyuss-style riffage, The Dead At Sea distil the sound of desert rock sinking into a cold watery grave.  “The Dead At Sea” is a compelling combination of killer riffs and hushed menace that perfectly evoke the bottomless depths of the ocean

“The Dead At Sea” CD//DD track listing:

1). The SS Corvus
2). 9 Knots
3). Convoy HN25
4). Drop Anchor

The Review:

Birminghaminstrumental trio The Dead At Sea make a bold statement of intent with their self-titled debut release. Comprised of members of doom titans, Opium Lord, and stoner veterans, Mothertrucker, the band wade through four leviathan compositions over the course of forty minutes.
This release is suitably heavy for a concept album based on the grim fate of the SS Corvus, a Norwegian steamship sunk by German U-Boats in the English Channel in 1945. A potent blend of early-Pelicancrunch and Kyuss-style riffage, The Dead At Sea distil the sound of desert rock sinking into a cold watery grave. “SS Corvus” opens proceedings in grand style while “9 Knots” takes things in a hazier, more psychedelic direction, at times reminiscent of underrated post-metallers, 5ive.
The second half of the album raises the stakes on the heaviness front. “Convoy HN25” kicks off with the kind of high-octane riffage Josh Homme wishes he could still deliver and “Drop Anchor” uses its mammoth fifteen minute duration to build to a pummellingclimax, complete with a suitably epic solo.
The band’s unconventional line-up of twin guitars, drums and no bass lends these tracks a distinct character. The guitars are coated in enough thick distortion to pack a powerful low-end gut-punch during the heaviest moments while the lack of bass adds a captivating delicacy to the quieter moments. Some of the album’s best moments come when the volume is dialled back, like the haunting Slint minimalism of the outro of “SS Corvus”.
This is an impressive debut from The Dead At Sea, a compelling combination of killer riffs and hushed menace that perfectly evoke the bottomless depths of the ocean. Hopefully another soundtrack to nautical doom will be with us soon.

The Dead At Sea” is available here
Band info: bandcamp|| facebook


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