Thursday, 7 September 2017

ALBUM REVIEW: Grizzlor - "Destructoid"

By: Charlie Butler

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 15/08/2017
Label: Hex Records

“Destructoid”is a record that fully lives up to its title. Grizzlor have served up a sumptuous platter of riffs that effortlessly lays waste to the opposition.

“Destructoid” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). Fruitloopville
2). House in the Woods
3). Tooth Pain
4). Miserable Jerk
5). Stupid Shit
6). Too Many People
7). Fighting Aliens With No Gravity
8). Wade’s Notes
9). Feeling Like Shit
10). Simulation
11). Quit And Die

The Review:

New Haven’s Grizzlor continue to carve out their own bizarre niche in the world of noise rock with debut LP “Destructoid”. The band achieve a perfect balance of lurid absurdity and nasty heaviness like opening up a kids comic book to discover it has been used to harbour dark top-shelf material.

The album lurches into life with the gargantuan “Fruitloopville”. Imagine a 50 foot Clutchafter having their drink spiked by the Melvins and you have an idea of the monstrous, city-levelling riff Grizzlorunleash here. This sets the scene for the next thirty minutes of mayhem. While on previous releases the band have ripped through seven songs in ten minutes, here they have managed to lengthen their attention span in order to wring maximum impact from their bottomless arsenal of weapons-grade riffs. “Tooth Pain” and “Simulation” prove they can rock hardcore punk tempos without losing their edge but it is the relentless attack of closer “Quit Ad Die” that captures the band at their peak.

The fact that Grizzlor can achieve this and maintain their unhinged acid-fried intensity is no mean feat. Key to this are the vocals and lyrics of guitarist Victor. His barked maniacal delivery is the perfect vehicle for his darkly comic rants on tooth pain, crippling paranoia and feeling like shit. The air of weirdness is enhanced by outbursts reverb-drenched lead guitar that lend the likes of “Feeling Like Shit” a warped surf edge.

“Destructoid”is a record that fully lives up to its title. Grizzlorhave served up a sumptuous platter of riffs that effortlessly lays waste to the opposition.

“Destructoid”is available here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook


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