Thursday 26 July 2018

RECORDS OF THEIR YEARS...with South Louisiana sludge infused progressive duo Radiant Knife

Hailing from South Louisiana, Radiant Knife plays the sort of sludge-infused progressive metal popularized by fellow southerners Mastodon, but play the style very much in their own way.  Their new album “Science Fiction” is packed with inventive song structures and trampling riffs that are underscored by a strong sense of melody.

Although often lumped into the post-metal category, Radiant Knife's broad sonic spectrum lands somewhere between experimental projects such as Zebulon Pike, King Crimson,Willpower” era Today is the day and Zombi. Today we’re excited not only be premiered a fantastic new track “Suffer Under God” but Greg Travasos (drums) and Stephen Sheppert (guitar, vocals, keys) chat to us about their “Records of their Years”.  Check it out below.

SL: Favourite album from the year you were born?

Greg:  Motörhead, “Ace Of Spades”.

What can I say it's a classic, plus it’s the only thing that I liked out of that year that I can find. Really there self titled is the jam but I wasn't born in 77’. Also Phil Taylor rips.

Stephen:  Probably Rush, “2112”.  I was born in 76, and although this is not my favourite album by Rush it’s a good album.  Also I believe AC/DC’s “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” was released that year also so that’s up there as well.

SL: First album you bought with your own money?

Greg:  Metallica,”...And justice For All”. Yeah, I was at a K-Mart if those exist anymore, where cassette tapes came in oversized plastic things. I remember my cousin telling me to get it because they had lyrics that said “Put your Mother to death” I thought that was pretty sick so I got the cassette, and loved it since. Heaviest album I had at 11.

Stephen:  Now that I really think about it, it was probably Guns n Roses,Appetite for Destruction”.  I would sit in front of MTV for hours figuring out all the hair metal stuff on guitar. My pops was/is a rocker and didn’t limit any of my music choices.  Most of the time he bought the tape/record before I did.

SL: Favourite non metal / rock album?

Greg:  Father John Misty “I love you Honeybear”. Great compositions, songwriting and lyrics. I have much relatable laughter with his lyrics and cynicism. Much relatable truths I can see in my day to day life. Also could be a comedy album as well.

Stephen:  Polvo, “Exploded Drawing”, or really any of their albums.  Some great dissonant guitar work and great songwriting on those albums.  They have a knack for keeping it low key, dark and angular. All good stuff.

SL: Favourite album of all time?

Greg: This is always are hard question to answer, as I don’t really have a favourite album of all time.  I like a shit ton of albums, but Suffocation,“Pierced from Within” definitely stepped up heaviness in metal for me when I was younger. Listened to a lot of death metal, punk and grindcore in my younger days and this was the go to then. Crazy riffs, time changes, low growls, sick drumming.

Stephen:  King Crimson, “Red”.  When Dillinger Escape Planunleashed “Under the Running Board”, that started a whole musical journey into off timed/progged out music that eventually led me to the source of all that stuff.  That source IS King Crimson, “Red”.It’s a great album, but when listening to it, it’s also like paying homage to my elders.

SL:Favourite album (s) of 2018?

Greg:  YOB, “Our Raw Heart” Heavy and emotional crushing, jammed this album a couple of times. Atmospheric and cool. You can feel Mike Scheidt’s pain in this album, which explains this album title.

Stephen:  YOB, “Our Raw Heart” as well.  I’ve never been a YOBworshipper like some but to me this album brings a more positive, over the horizon emotional vibe compared to their previous work.  It’s shoegazish at times and you can definitely tell some of the songs originated on acoustic.

SL:...and finally The last album you bought

Greg: Spazz, “La Revancha”.I had this CD a long time ago, lost it, recently repurchased. Short fast bay area  skater grindcore. I remember playing the shit out of this in high school. Definitely brings back memories of how shitty and awesome the late 90’s were.

Stephen:  King Crimson,Discipline” reissue on vinyl.  Not my favourite album by them but the song “Frame by Frame” itself probably spawned countless math oriented bands/songs, including much of Don Caballero’s catalogue.

“Science Fiction”is available to preorder/buy here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook


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