Thursday 12 July 2018

RECORDS OF THEIR YEARS....with Joe Rowland of Pallbearer

Few bands have had quite same impact as Pallbearer over the last 6 years. New LP “Heartless” saw the Arkansas quartet complete their journey from underground doom heroes to all-conquering titans of the genre.  Nearly 18 months after the release of “Heartlesss”, Pallbearer have toured relentlessly and perhaps when it was thought there was nowhere else to roam, the band are set to hit the UK this coming Monday 16th July 2018, with five dates including a spot at Bloodstock. Recently I caught with Joe Rowland (bass) from the band, to discuss music, (what else) but more importantly albums from his birth to the present day.  Check it below.  

SL: Favourite album from the year you were born?

Joe Rowland: I had never really kept mental tabs on this so I had to a quick internet search, and much to my delight I discovered a few that certainly rank very highly (Jesus and Mary Chain’sPsychocandy’, Sisters of Mercy’s‘First and Last and Always’ and ‘Hounds of Love’ by Kate Bush) but there is a clear winner here for me: ‘No Jacket Required’ — I am and always will be an unabashed Phil Collins fan.  Starting with my dad showing me a live Genesis tape when I was a very young child, I immediately developed an affinity for his music, and I can’t even count how many times I’ve listened to this album. I don’t care if it’s not cool, as seems to be the pervading opinion nowadays. Phil Collins forever! 

SL: First album you bought with your own money?

JR: The first album I bought was a CD of some classical music. I don’t even remember what it was! At that point in my childhood it had been determined by the powers that be that it was against the rules in my household to listen to anything other than classical music. Once I had my driver’s license all bets were off though, and I committed the ultimate act of rebellion by going out and buying ‘My Own Prison’ by Creed on CD. Bonus answer, my first vinyl album that I purchased not too terribly long after that was ‘The Argument’ by Fugazi, which I’m pleased to say is significantly less questionable (although Creed is still good for a laugh from time to time, I’m not going to lie!)   

SL: Favourite non metal / rock album?

JR: This is a tough question… and my answer will possibly also be my answer to the following question as well. I’d have to go with ‘Hosianna Mantra’ by Popol Vuh. Popol Vuh is my personal favourite and overall most influential artist I would have to say. This album, despite not having my #1 Popol Vuh song on it, is utterly transcendent and I strive to inch closer and closer to making music that is as emotive and affective as this album makes me feel. 

Runners up (at the moment)

Popol Vuh, ‘Heart of Glass’
Brian Eno, ‘Ambient 4: On Land’
Klaus Schulze, ‘Moondawn’

SL: Favourite album of all time:

JR: I’ll mention my favourite METAL and Rock albums of all time here: 

For metal, it’s ‘Mob Rules’ by Black Sabbath. It’s perfect, I love everything about the riffs, Dio’s performance, Geezer’s bass playing and tone are 10/10. It’s just a great record that has a lot of “fuck yeah” gratifying moments on it. It’s also one of the greatest records to have drunk singalongs to! It’s an emotional rollercoaster, especially ending on the massively sorrowful ‘Over and Over’

For rock, it’s ‘Red’ by King Crimson. This almost defies explanation; it’s such an interesting record, I remember first listening to it and kind of marvelling at how raw it is. Three of the greatest players in relatively recent history, playing what to me is truly emotionally primal music. It’s not polished, but it is very real. It sounds to me to be quite different from the opulent and grandiose sound achieved by many of the other figureheads of prog rock of that time perhaps even rock and roll in general in 1974. There is just something much more mean at work here. And it’s also got that same sort of tragic ending that I enjoyed in equal measure on ‘Mob Rules’

SL:Favourite album of 2018?

JR: It hasn’t been released yet, but I’ve heard the new Deadbirdalbum coming out on 20 Buck Spin, and it is easily my favourite thing I’ve heard this year. 

SL:...And finally The last album you bought?

JR: I recently picked up vinyl copies of Craig Leon ‘Nommos’ as well as Steve Roach ‘Empetus’(two great 80’s synth records if anyone is curious.) Sadly I have not had the chance to spin them on my home hi-fi system yet, but I’m looking forward to some time off the road to immerse myself!

Pallbearer will be touring the UK from July 16th - 19th – tickets are available HERE.

July 16th – London, The Underworld
July 17th – Glasgow, Stereo
July 18th – Leeds, Brudenell Social Club
July 19th – Bristol, Fleece
Aug 12th - Bloodstock

Their latest album 'Heartless' is out now HERE + brand new single 'Dropout' HERE

Band info: official || facebook


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