Friday 28 December 2018

ALBUM REVIEW: Dawn of Winter, "Pray for Doom"

By: Richard Maw

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 30/11/2018
Label: I Hate Records

All songs are great.  All influences are present and correct. All aspects of the album are stellar. The best trad doom release of the year? Have a listen and decide for yourself.

“Pray for Doom” CD//DD track listing:

1. A Dream Within a Dream
2. The Thirteenth of November
3. Woodstock Child
4. The Sweet Taste of Ruin
5. Pray for Doom
6. The Orchestra Bizarre
7. Paralysed by Sleep
8. Father Winter (Sacrifice Pt. 3)

The Review

Germany's greatest and purest doom band return with this monolithic slab of powerful and muscular trad doom. If you've heard “The Peaceful Dead” album, then you know that this band are one of the best in the whole genre.

“Pray for Doom” is a continuation of the lofty heights the band has set themselves via their back catalogue. The sound is immense- the drums are so thick and powerful- the bottom end is as muscular as Dorian Yates back in the mid 90's, the tempos are sluggish, and the songs are well thought out and presented with maximum emotional impact courtesy of the plaintive and ultimate-in-doom voice of Gerrit P. Mutz.

The Opener “Dream Within A Dream” tells you everything you need to know about the album; if you like it, then you will like the rest of the record. If you don't like it, then you don't like doom. End of.  Highlights are genuinely hard to pick out, due to both the quality and the uniform approach of the record. The title track may be an obvious pick as it is a balladlike track, well-crafted and presented. That said, the hard rocking “The Thirteenth of November” might be more up your strasse... Either way, there is just quality all the way through this album.

In times when “doom” is sometimes just two-piece bands playing two chord riffs, Dawn Of Winter represent the best and most real deal available. All elements are doom. All songs are great.  All influences (Vitusetc) are present and correct. All aspects of the album are stellar. The best trad doom release of the year? Have a listen and decide for yourself.

“Pray for Doom” is available HERE

Band info: facebook


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