Monday 2 April 2018

ALBUM REVIEW: Ulvesang, "The Hunt"

By: Richard Maw

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 16/03/2018
Label: Nordvis

The Hunt is bleak, dark and quite beautiful, highly evocative of nature and all that is fresh and clean. If this sounds like your kind of thing, it will be. This is a fantastic record.

“The Hunt” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). Invocation
2). The Trial
3). The Dance
4). The End
5). The Hunt
6). The Break
7). The Run
8). The Gloom
9). The Truth
10). Močvara/Мочвара

The Review:

Ulvesang play folk- or neofolk/dark folk to be more accurate and hail not from Sweden or Norway but from Canada- still the Frozen North, so quite fitting. The two piece specialise in very dark but pretty acoustic textures. Being as this is an instrumental work (or without lyrics at least), what images it conjures up are a matter for the individual listener, but I would imagine that many listeners would find the sound and atmosphere here to be evocative of the forest, leaf and stream and all that is natural.

It is perhaps odd to some that this might fit right in alongside black metal, but not for me. It is bleak, it is dark, it is quite beautiful- similar to the very best of the black metal genre. Fans of Winterfylleth, eagerly awaiting their forthcoming acoustic record, and fans of the more ethereal work of Ulver and so on will find much to enjoy here.

The opening intro of “Invocation” sets the mood and the mood does not falter from there on, whether it be the bitter-sweet “The Trial” or the wistfully bleak “The End”- the textures are richly dark. However, the feel is not necessarily cold; there is melancholy and bleakness but the album is never grim; maudlin might be a better description. The ten tracks are all highly evocative of nature and all that is fresh and clean. If this sounds like your kind of thing, it will be. A fantastic record.

“The Hunt”is available here

Band info: bandcamp || facebook


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