Saturday 25 March 2017

ALBUM REVIEW: Let It Die - "The Liar & The Saint"

By: Chris Wilson

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 17/11/2016
Label: Independent

“The Liar & the Saint” can be summed as follows; if you have any kind of interest in grindcore / extreme metal / death metal / hardcore whatever you want to call it, you cannot afford to miss out on this. Don't even debate investing in this. Just get it. This is a Future classic.

“The Liar & The Saint” DD//LP track listing:

1). Release
2). One Hundred Days
3). Punish
4). Take All The Heads of The People, And Hang Them Up Before The Lord Against The Sun
5). Dysphoria
6). Oderint Dum Metuant
7). Pathetic
8). Soul Deceiver
9). Choke
10). The Last Monument
11). Heaven And The Eternity Of Tears (Part I)
12). Heaven And The Eternity Of Tears (Part II)

The Review:

So I recently went to see Wormrot. Having been impressed with their recorded output I was looking forward to it, but not expecting much. In the event they handed my ass to me. I now fully understand and appreciate this magnificent force of brutalising destruction and consequently went back to their albums with a newfound appreciation.

It had been a while since I encountered an act which came close to the first time I saw Nasum, or heard Pig Destroyer. It would be unreasonable to expect to see such acts every few years. Two days later I saw Let It Die who pretty much stood up to Wormrot. That I had encountered another act with that same sense of reckless aggression, that understands the need to go all out with no consideration for melody, but instead the focus on pure adrenaline. That an act can be almost mindlessly and needlessly brutal to give you hope for the genre. So I thought it would be advisable to purchase their latest album, “The Liar & The Saint”.

This particular form of grind is interspersed with groove orientated riffs, giving it some much needed variety. Speed and noise is all well and good, but mixing it up proves more effective as displayed to great effect in the appropriately named “Punish”, which features Weekend Nachos John Hoffman, as if further endorsement were needed.

Highlights include “Soul Deceiver” and “Oderint Dum Metuant” which starts with a nice doomy sludge intro before flying off into discordant crust and then a stomping Nasum/ Nailshybrid section. The ending is simply aural destruction. Elsewhere there is plenty of dischordant tremolo picking, blast beats, all out noise and general riotousness.

In places it comes across like a death metal inflected Rotten Sound with slight hints of acts such as Nails. The dynamics shift nicely between speeds so it never gets repetitive and the more chunky sections give an oppressive sense of disgust and sludgy nihilism when needed.

“The Liar & the Saint”can be summed as follows; if you have any kind of interest in grindcore / extreme metal / death metal / hardcore whatever you want to call it, you cannot afford to miss out on this. Don't even debate investing in this. Just get it. This is a Future classic.

“The Liar & The Saint”is available here

Band info: bandcamp|| facebook


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