Saturday 11 February 2017

ALBUM REVIEW: Morta Skuld - "Wounds Deeper Than Time"

By Theron Moore

Album Type: Full Length
Date Released: 17/02/2017
Label: Peaceville Records

When Dave Gregor screams, concrete walls get cracked and foundations become unstable.  Nothing on “Wounds Deeper Than Time,” sounds forced, rather, the music commands itself.   When a part in a song has to be slow, its juggernaut slow.  When it has to be fast, it’s like a machine gun, and just as deadly.  Start to finish, the record is crushing. 

“Wounds Deeper Than Time” CD//DD//LP track listing:

1). Breathe in the Black
2. Hating Life
3. My Weakness
4. Against the Origin
5. In Judgment
6. Wounds Deeper than Time
7. Scars Within
8. Devour the Chaos
9. Becoming One Flesh 

The Review:

I’ve been a fan of Morta Skuld since 1990.  I reviewed their demo, Prolong the Agony” in my ‘zine “Louder Than God.” (BI.  Before internet.)  A few years ago I included the band in my book, All My Friends Are Rock Stars.”  So when I hear Morta Skuld is releasing a new disc, I’m excited.  It’s been 20 years since Wisconsin’s finest have released a new record.  Back in the day the band couldn’t be touched, they were that good.  Question is, have they stood the test of time?

Five tracks into “Wounds Deeper Than Time,” my question is answered.  Yes.  They have.  I never expect a record to be good beginning to end.  There’s always a clunker, always a song that I personally don’t care for.  “Wounds…” proved me wrong.  Big time.  Start to finish, the record is crushing.  Singer, Dave Gregor’s vocals are spot on, perfect, raging with anger, frustration and aggression.  And it feels genuine, that’s the vibe I got, he conveyed.  When he screams, concrete walls get cracked and foundations become unstable.

I firmly believe this is the best record the band has made, and I’m still a big fan of Through the Eyes of Death,” my favorite, still.  The music is brutally heavy, reminiscent of Obituary, but better, and yeah, I’m a fan of Obituaryas well.  Nothing on Wounds Deeper Than Time,”sounds forced, rather, the music commands itself.  When a part in a song has to be slow, its juggernaut slow.  When it has to be fast, it’s like a machine gun, and just as deadly. 

“Wounds Deeper Than Time” is available here
Band info: facebook|| bandcamp


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